Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Cellular life essays

Cellular life essays In this paper I will show my knowledge of many different topics of Cellular Life. I will explain the theory of biogenesis, cell theory, the history of both and how they tie in together. I will also state the scientific method and why it is important to science. Abbi Spallonzani used Scientific method in his biogenesis experiment. Scientific method are some rules or principles used in research and experimentation. Objectivity is the attempt to observe things as they are. Approach is using either inductive reasoning or deductive reasoning. Inductive reasoning is using results of observations and experiments with more general hypotheses and theories. Deductive reasoning is using the exact results of previous experiments. Deductive reasoning is used back in the mid 1800's when Louis Pasteur was offered a prize if he could solve the theory if abiogenesis was possible. Abiogenesis is the belief that living things can come from non-living things. Biogenesis is the belief that living things are given birth from other living things. He used previous experiments such as Francis Redi, John Needham, Abbi' Spallonzani, and many others to devise a strategy. He made swan neck flasks with large enough holes in them to let air in but no microorganisms. He boiled mutton broth and put it in the jars and the broth lasted over a year without spoiling. This proved that abiogenesis was wrong. The organisms and flies in previous experiments succeeded in attacking the broth but since the swan neck jars kept them out this proves that nothing can grow from a non living object. The cell theory is a set of rules that are true of all living things. A cell can only be created by another cell. All living things have at least one sell. Cells are the fundamental structure of all organisms. ...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Castigo por matrimonios falsos para sacar la green card

Castigo por matrimonios falsos para sacar la green card Es un hecho que se celebran matrimonios falsos con el à ºnico propà ³sito de que el contrayente extranjero obtenga asà ­ la tarjeta de residente permanente (green card) en los Estados Unidos. Pero lo cierto es que la mayorà ­a de las bodas son reales, hechas por amor, aunque ms tarde la relacià ³n acabe mal. Este artà ­culo trata de por quà © se celebran matrimonios fraudulentos para sacar la green card, cules son las estadà ­sticas, cul es el castigo si se descubre la mentira y, por à ºltimo, quà © se puede hacer si se descubre que una boda no es de buena fe. Por quà © se dan enlaces fraudulentos para obtener la green card De todas las formas que existen para sacar la green card, la residencia por matrimonio es la ms comà ºn. Aproximadamente 1 de cada 4 tarjetas de residencia se consiguen de esta manera. La ley permite que tanto los ciudadanos estadounidenses como los residentes permanentes legales puedan pedir los papeles para sus cà ³nyuges, tanto en casos de parejas conformadas por un hombre y una mujer como cuando se trata de parejas gays. En los casos de matrimonio de extranjero con ciudadano se da la mayor incidencia de matrimonios fraudulentos porque ofrece dos grandes ventajas respecto al matrimonio de extranjero con residente: Las peticiones son ms rpidasEn algunos casos, pero no en todos, los indocumentados pueden ajustar su estatus y arreglar sus papeles. Esto no sucede nunca en el caso de boda con residente. Los datos sobre matrimonios entre americanos y extranjeros Aunque no hay estadà ­sticas oficiales se estima que en un aà ±o fiscal tà ­pico se pueden presentar aproximadamente 250 mil peticiones de green card por matrimonios entre estadounidenses, por un lado y extranjeros por otro. De ese total de peticiones, aproximadamente en unos 7,000 casos directamente  el USCIS no reconoce tales uniones como matrimonios, por entender que hay  fraude  y, por lo tanto,  ya no se da la tarjeta de residencia permanente al solicitante. En los casos en los que sà ­ se da la green card, se estima que  hasta un 30% de los mismos pueden ser matrimonios fraudulentos. Sin embargo,  se investigan menos y aproximadamente en 7,000 la green card es revocada. Generalmente porque ha habido una  denuncia de matrimonio por negocio o conveniencia, que puede ser anà ³nima. En estos casos, tanto el ICE (institucià ³n encargado de hacer cumplir las leyes migratorias) como el USCIS (servicio de Inmigracià ³n) estudian si realmente investigan el asunto. Castigo si se descubre que un matrimonio es falso En el caso de que se castigue a una persona por matrimonio fraudulento con el fin de obtener o dar los papeles, la condena puede ser de un mximo 5 aà ±os de prisià ³n y multa de $250,000. Aunque el castigo se puede aplicar a ambos cà ³nyuges, lo cierto es que el extranjero recibe, en general, una mayor pena: puede ser deportado y, si ya le habà ­an dado la green card cuando se detectà ³ que el matrimonio era de conveniencia, se le quitar la residencia. Mientras que en la mayorà ­a de los casos  el ciudadano americano recibir sà ³lo un llamado de atencià ³n. Aunque hay excepciones y a veces depende mucho de la jurisdiccià ³n  en la que se  ventila el caso lo ms comà ºn es que los ciudadanos americanos sean multados e ingresen en prisià ³n por fraude inmigratorio por matrimonio en casos muy excepcionales. Adems hay otra importante diferencia en cuanto a las consecuencias. Si un matrimonio entre un ciudadano y un extranjero es fraudulento y se descubre al menos cinco aà ±os ms tarde, al estadounidense no le pasar jams nada. Esto es porque el delito prescribe (statue of limitations). Sin embargo en el mismo caso el extranjero ser privado de su green card y deber abandonar los Estados Unidos, asà ­ hayan pasado ms de cinco aà ±os desde la boda, porque en este caso no hay prescripcià ³n. E incluso en los casos en los que el extranjero pidià ³ la nacionalidad americana por naturalizacià ³n podrà ­a llegar a perder la ciudadanà ­a. Son proceso muy raros de desnaturalizacià ³n, pero son posibles. Quà © se puede hacer si se es và ­ctima de un matrimonio de conveniencia Es comà ºn que en este tipo de bodas falsas los dos contrayentes està ©n de acuerdo, a veces por amistad entre ambos y, a veces, porque se paga una cantidad de dinero. Esto es asà ­ a pesar de que cuando una persona pide los papeles para otra se est comprometiendo por aà ±os a responder econà ³micamente por ella porque ha firmado el affidavit of support, tambià ©n conocida como declaracià ³n de sostenimiento. Sin embargo, en ocasiones el ciudadano o el residente ni siquiera sospecha de lo que hay no es amor, sino simplemente interà ©s. En estos casos, dependiendo del momento, son posibles diversas situaciones, como por ejemplo:  cancelar la peticià ³n  o incluso solicitar  el divorcio  o, como se seà ±alà ³ ms arriba en este artà ­culo, denunciando. A tener muy en cuenta El matrimonio de un indocumentado con un ciudadano americano no siempre sirve para regularizar la situacià ³n. Depende, en gran medida, de cà ³mo se ingresà ³ a Estados Unidos. Por à ºltimo, seà ±alar que en ocasiones un matrimonio por amor puede levantar sospechas, por la razà ³n que sea. Estos son 12 documentos que sirven para mostrar que el matrimonio es real. Y estas son 65 preguntas que se pueden formular en la entrevista en el consulado para la visa de inmigrante o en la de ajuste de estatus o para el levantamiento de la condicionalidad de la green card (casos especà ­ficos de matrimonio con ciudadano). Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Comparison of Republicans and Democrats Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Comparison of Republicans and Democrats - Essay Example Recent Supreme Court rulings have allowed unlimited, undisclosed donations to be made by the super-rich and by multinational corporations to politicians from both parties that are seeking election. This creates a situation where both parties must do the bidding of these powerful donors once they are elected. If they do not, then these donors will support someone else in the next election. Both of these parties are dependant on rich people and special interest money to support their candidates. Another way Democrats and Republicans are similar is they refuse to take any responsibility for anything bad that happens. Both parties blame the other incessantly for the problems in America. Republicans blame the current state of the economy on the Democrats even though a Republican Congress and President sewed the seeds of the financial meltdown. Democrats ignore worthwhile gains Republicans make in everything from social policy to international relations. They ignore the amount of funding Republican administrations have sent to help AIDS victims in Africa while focusing on any comment or policy by a Republican that might be a bit offensive of dim-witted. Both of these parties are similar in the way that they react negatively to the other party. It is true that these two parties do differ in their basic ideology. The Republicans claim that they want to reduce the role of government in the lives of American citizens. They claim that the government is too big and that we need to cut expenditure. They believe in low taxes and self-reliance. The Democrats say that they believe the government can make a positive difference for people, especially the poor. They believe in funding social programs that help people get good educations and good jobs.     

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Compare and contrast Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Compare and contrast - Essay Example In the first stanza, the son holds his mother as she vomits in a bowl and then attended to cleaning and changing her clothes with the help of his lover who is also the speaker. Since the strings were tied behind the back the speaker tried to remove the blanket from underneath the old woman and feared that her skin could tear off. This shows that the mother had become a mere cripple and her condition was too fragile. When old age is referred to second childhood, it is justified and sometimes ironical too. The poet talks about the paper diaper, the fragility and all these could be attributed to the status of a baby – â€Å"Everything’s so fragile here/a breath could break you.† (Crozier, line 14-15) The poet and her lover are at a loss and cannot really decide what to do. The mother who has once offered her milk to her son is now feeling shy when her son was undressing her. Despite the weakness she turns her face away and covers her breasts and the lover cracks a joke here, saying that he has undressed many other women before and so she need not feel shy. The tubes and needles used here reflect the medical treatment she was undergoing. The last two stanzas describe the poet’s feelings about his lover when she lies in bed besides him and what happens at the end of the day. The vision of tending his mother is so vivid in her memory that she almost smells him of his mother although he is washed. It seems as if she has licked him to prove to all the girls who lie with him that he is still his mother’s son. The poet ironically talks of the old woman’s tongue’ and might be a little sarcastic in her remark, may be because her time for fun has been shared by the old woman and she puns on the actions of licking. We find the mammals licking their off springs in stead of bathing them and a woman may lick the man for the sake of lust. To some

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Interpretation of Matthew Passage Essay Example for Free

Interpretation of Matthew Passage Essay The book of Matthew is one of the four epistles. This in other words is to mean that the book, which is in New Testament, happens to be the first book that records the teachings of Jesus Christ, at the believed time when He was on the earth. In this paper, the interpretation will come from Matthew chapter 6 verses 25-34. These verses contain Christ Jesus teachings on how Christians should live here on earth independently but with the divine intervention of their God. This in other words is to mean that the verses emphasizes on God and Christians perceptions of possessions. Different strategies of argumentation will be used to discuss this chapter, that is, verse by verse interpretation will be one of the strategic ways of interpretation of the chapter. This will be in an endeavor to bring out the theme of divine providence that Christ Jesus teaches his believers while at the same time drawing a closer look at the theme of cynicism as portrayed by the tone of Christ Jesus in his teachings. In the process of interpretation, contemporary literature will be used together with various comparisons. This will in an effort to bring the text and its context to the conventions of thought and the characteristic way of life of its people at that particular time. The arguments depicted in this passage will be identified and commented on. This is especially on how the arguments form a persuasive tone as a whole. The contents of the verses in this chapter will also be compared with the discussions of divine providence by Epictectus and Dio. This will be help to analyze the verse which comes closer than the other. At the end of the discussion, the verses will also be related to chapter 5 verses 7 of the book of Matthew, where the context of the verse brings a personification of Jerusalem (Good New bible 809). In this chapter, Christ Jesus teaches Christians not to worry about their lives but instead, be trusting. This is to mean that Christians are obliged to trust their maker, their God, for their divine provision. Looking at the lives of the people at that particular time and even today, one can easily decipher the fact that our lives have gone past the worries implied in the text. This is because of the fact that many people get worried of the things that they do not even need. In verse 24, Christ Jesus talks of the two masters that a Christian can serve, either God or the material things. This is the verse that carries weight in the whole of this chapter. This is because; the others are based from it in the sense that Christ Jesus believes that Christians are more inclined into serving both or focusing mere on material things, where on the other hand, his teachings are centered on serving God, and seeking his righteousness first, and â€Å"the rest shall be added† (Good New bible 809) In verses 25: Christ Jesus is commenting on the worries that Christians or the disciples at that particular time needed. These include food, drink, and clothing, which are the basic necessities of life. At this particular moment, the disciples and the believers at this particular moment were worried about getting enough to get by (Good New bible 809). The principles of chreia (which is defined as a brief reminiscence aptly attributed to someone) are clearly illustrated on this verse. The chreia saying that Jesus made was: do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, or about your body, what you will put on, is not life more than food and the body more than clothing. The elaboration of Jesus chreia is quite admirable due to the aspect of sarcasm and rhetorical. It’s considered rhetoric to tell people not to worry about their own lives, the clothes, food and shelter, of which are the basic needs of human being. But to some extent, the chreia in the sentence can be appreciated from the fact that the believer live by the power of God and therefore he who is able to give life can also provide the rest that they need. In one way or another, the chreia is also expressed in other verses, for instance in verse 33: but seek first the kingdom of God and the rest shall be given unto you. The believers who desire the gifts from God must first seek his kingdom, irrespective of whether it’s a hard and a bitter process or not. this can be compared to such chreia sayings as ‘the roots of education are bitter but the fruits sweet’. This is to mean for one to enjoy the fruits of education, they must first taste the bitter roots of education. The same case with believers; for them to enjoy the gifts of God they must first seek the kingdom of God. Verses 25 to 34 as unit can be said to contain one teaching of Christians, in his admonition, and teachings. The verses are interlinked, in the sense, they indicate the conditions that believers should follow in order to acquire God’s blessings. The word ‘therefore’ links with verse 24 in the sense that for believers, they cannot serve two masters, that is, God and satan. The word believer in the context of Christianity originates from believe in one God as the creator and maker of heaven and the earth, and therefore having believed in God wholeheartedly, Christians or believers, ‘therefore’ should not worry about their lives. The word ‘therefore’ in this context is used to connect the two verses and subsequently introduce the other verses. While on the other hand, some of the believers were in the current generation worry about what to do with all the material possessions that we have. Jesus emphasizes on the fact that God is the provider and therefore believers should not be worried about what to eat or drink, but should be satisfied with the little they have. This in other words is to mean that Jesus raises the eyes of the believers above their worries by redirecting their thinking. He raises their sights above the worries of this world to faith and trust in God, who is their heavenly father and therefore will not forsake but provide for them. This is again to mean that Christ Jesus takes the Christians to the source of their blessings and where their help is guaranteed, that is, from their heavenly father (Good New bible 809). In verse 28, where Christ Jesus is talking about worries on clothing, He delivers his teaching by giving a comparison with the lilies of the field â€Å"how they grow; they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you even Solomon in all his glory was not clothed like one of these†. If God therefore is able to clothe the grass of the field today, which is alive today and gone the following day, who are Christians who are made in his own image not be clothed by Him even more. This is to mean that Christians should focus more on the things of the kingdom of God have a security. Christians should therefore stop the single minded pursuit of financial security but on the contrary should seek the things that last (Good New bible 809). He also brings a comparison in verse 26 where he emphasizes on the fact that Christians are more valued by God than any other creature. The birds of the air neither sole or reap, nor gather into barns, and yet they never go hungry from the fact that Heavenly father provides for them. This is to mean that Christians, who are better than the birds of the air, should focus their hope from God alone for divine provision. He therefore gives the second reason why Christians are not supposed to get worried. This is found in verse 32: â€Å"we have a heavenly father who knows what we need†. This is to mean that the heavenly father as portrayed by Christ Jesus is kind and loving and will therefore provide for their needs (Good New bible 809). Christians should therefore trust and believe in the heavenly father for his divine provisions. God has therefore given us strength and the ability to work to earn our living. He controls our minds and helps us make wise decisions. He also provides to believers through other people. This can be through our fathers and mothers, relatives, church, friends among other people. These are some of the divine channels that our father in heaven uses to provide for Christians here on earth (Good New bible 809). In verse 28, Christ Jesus gives the third reason why Christians should not worry about the things of this world. This is because there are more important things that Christians should be seeking after. Christ Jesus says that â€Å"therefore do not be anxious, saying, what shall we eat? Or what shall we drink? Or what shall we wear, for the gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly father knows that you need them all. Here the theme of cynicism is portrayed from the fact that Christ Jesus understands the fact that many Christians are pessimistic and anxious about their daily needs (Good New bible 809). Believers seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you†. Here Christ Jesus is trying to emphasize on the fact that Christians should understand that their heavenly father will always provide for them and therefore they should center their focus on the things of the kingdom of God, which will last forever. He is therefore teaching Christians to focus on their energy in seeking the kingdom of God and his righteousness. This is to mean that it’s more seeking that the material things of this world. Christ Jesus came teaching about this fact; the paramount importance of seeking the kingdom of God and his righteousness. In this verse, the theme of divine providence is depicted in two ways (Good New bible 809). First, Christians are advised to seek the kingdom of God first. This is to mean that they should work and strive towards attaining the heavenly gifts which only God can give. This being the case therefore, their heavenly father, God, is portrayed as the provider. The only one who is in a position to provide the things of the kingdom, and his righteousness? The second point comes at the end of the verse whereby, Christ Jesus says that â€Å"and all things shall be added unto you†. This is to mean that after seeking the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, they shall or will receive a divine provision from their father, that is, all things they have desired shall be provided. This is a portrayal of the theme of divine providence (Good New bible 809). Looking at the way Christians had misused Jerusalem church; Christ Jesus drives them out claiming that â€Å"his house shall be a house of prayer†. The believers at that particular time were using the church to gain material possession; a place where they were supposed to seeking God and his righteousness. This also brings out the theme cynicism, from the fact that Christians had much doubt and even pessimistic about seeking God. They therefore opted to seek material possessions even his house own house, that is, the church, where they were supposed to seek God (Good New bible 809). The last verse in this chapter gives the ‘Christ Jesus conclusion’ on the whole issue. Christ concludes his teachings with the following; †¢ Christians should first seek the kingdom of God first and his righteousness †¢ After seeking the kingdom of God, all other things shall be added unto them. †¢ They should therefore not get worried about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about its own things. †¢ He finally concludes that each day has its sufficient trouble and therefore Christians are not supposed to worry about their future. Although the above conclusions are true, there are other results are conspicuous throughout this chapter. These are based on the theme of divine providence and the theme of cynicism. The results indicate that for Christians to partake of the heavenly gifts, that is, the divine provision from their father, they must have; †¢ Have faith and trust in Him †¢ They must also believe in Him †¢ They must also seek his kingdom and righteousness first. †¢ Have no worry about their basic needs for their father cares and loves them to provide for them. †¢ The results also indicate that Jehovah God is the sole provider of both his righteousness and the daily needs that we need as Christians. It’s through the focus on the above results that the whole paper has been formatted. The central verse in the chapter that has been analyzed can was considered and identified to be verse 24. This is because it carries the starting and the concluding remarks of the verses studied. That is, Christians must choose one master to serve, either God or material possession (Good New bible 809). Works cited Good News bible. Early Christian Gospels: The book of Matthew 6: 24-34. USA: American Bible Society. 1994.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Maurice Agulhons The Republican Experiment :: essays research papers

Maurice Agulhon. The Republican Experiment, 1848-1852. London and New York: Cambridge University Press. 1983.Pp195.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This books main objective was to describe how France was in the process of becoming a democratic Republic. The book gave a full evolution and fulfillment that France made by the first four years of its first trial run at becoming a democratic Republic. The book gave in detail from start to finish how France finally prevailed during the 18707’s. The Republic was reborn when the Second Empire had made itself impossible: too aggressive for the alarmed Europe of the time and too authoritarian for an awakened society.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Second Republic was not completely credited simply to the combination of government which held power during those four years. The powers were attributable to the Republic that tried to succeed from February to June 1848 and then survive from June 1848 to January 1849, and were above all due to the ideal Republic defined and desired between 1949 and 1851 by the only true republicans of all the time, those who were in opposition. The textbook as compared to the book chosen was alike in many aspects. Not only did the two books contain a lot of information but also the book compared very similarly with the classroom notes. Many of the ideas that were briefly discussed in class were given in much more detail in the book. The book information really did not differ in the views that were depicted in the textbook. Both sources were good detailed accounts of history during the republican era. The importance and purpose of this book was to give the audience or the reader complete and detailed accounts of the French Revolution. The author’s purpose was to tell from begging to end how the French went through many trials and failures before becoming a true form of democratic government. “However, the overall impact of these individual memories would not have been sufficiently strong had not literature evoked a collective memory. If the Republic was better know during the forties and able to win supporters from beyond the restricted circle of republican survivors and their immediate, this was the achievement of History.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Vertical Integration Walmart

Vertical integration is a business growth strategy for economics of scale. It is typified by one firm engaged in different parts of production example; growing raw materials, manufacturing, transporting, marketing, and/or retailing to expand business in existing market for the firm. It can function in two directions both forward integration and backward integration. In Forward integration involves company to develop strategy to control the firm product distribution either through distribution centers or retailers.It is a necessary action when companies have potential benefits from handling, shipping of their own products directly to customers, or the retail selling their own products in brand stores. In backward integration involves company to develop strategy to control its supply of raw material by acquiring its supplier firm or setting up its own facilities to produce the material to achieve cost efficiency and enjoy economic of scale.Often it is learnt that the huge investment is required for firm to develop vertical integration, therefore, it is important for the firm to know beforehand whether vertical integration strategy add specific value to the company, and does it aligned with the overall strategy of the company, customer needs and wants. For Wal-Mart, it is better to develop vertical integration based on the firm establishment in the market and the firm is always looking into expansion.Walmart is a well-known hypermarket with 8500 stores across 15 different countries. It is in business of selling everything to customers’ needs in their everyday lives. Wal-Mart practices vertical integration strategy where it has developed its own name brand to sell products called Sam's Choice Today; Sam’s Choice extended its products like soft drinks, cereal, and dog food. While they still don't grow their own crops or raise their own livestock, it is still a form of vertical integration.In 2010, the company expanded to cater home entertainment by buy ing over Vudu that provides online streaming service offering users to purchase movies that is compatible to any internet capable device. Having strong presence in the retail industry, the firm expanded business to offer second hand car. The firm leverage on its competencies to provide its own product to consumer. Also, Wal-Mart works heavily with its suppliers. This symbiotic relationship can be seen as vertical integration due to the level at which Wal-Mart analyses its suppliers and improves their manufacturing processes.Wal-Mart definitely has the business strategy of Low Cost Leadership. They do nothing to really differentiate themselves from competitors and provide no-frills self-service stores that always provide the lowest prices. Wal-Mart has built enough clout with suppliers that they can dictate the prices and go in and change suppliers manufacturing processes in order to wring out more and more savings for the consumer. However, it is not always the case that all firms s hould develop vertical integration strategy to enjoy economic of scale.Firm like boutique or niche items that produces on a small scale are not suitable to implement as it will benefit less from vertically integrated mainly because the input demand for grow is small and due to exclusive nature their prices are inelastic as compare to industry like Oil and Gas Industry, Telecom, Media, automobile developed vertical integration strategy . The main advantage of the vertical integration is the increased control. For instance, Wal-Mart with large market share is attractive to supplier.Though Wal-Mart does not own asset specificity to produce product internally but there is a large market input outside and therefore Walmart is benefited by having bargaining power and gaining control over price and manufacturing process in order to wring out more and more saving consumer. On the other hand Walmart, performs distribution and retailing activities, it has more control over the way the product is presented and at what prices it is sold in the market In relative to firm like oil and gas industry Esso mobile, it gain control through Asset specificity to produce internally.Developing a vertical integration strategy solely increase advantages over competition and able to block competitors from gaining access to scarce resources or important markets. A retailer might buy a manufacturing company, for instance, to gain access to proprietary technology, patents or resources only available in the firm's local area. For instance Walmart acquired VuVu to gain access to the home entertainment business. Integrate an organisation the work done by previous suppliers or costumers are also introducing or expanding the core competencies of your workers.That way you can be enriching some of your organisation jobs, leading to increasing satisfaction and motivation of your workers, which is an important benefit. For instance, Walmart employee is rotated to different work function that enable employee to acquired new skill and value add to their growth. Vertical integration offers the opportunity to go even further. With specialized assets and having more control over inputs, it is possible that you can differentiate from your competitors, and gain competitive advantage.This is a way to increase your share in the market, which can lead to increased profits. For exam No doubt vertical integration boosts profit revenue but it required huge capital injection to produce excess goods for retail distribution and to ensure having adequate storage space. When goods are sold Walmart makes a lot of money but if its unsold, they have to bear the cost and at times dispose away as product have life span. Its resulting in losses. It results in fixed sources of supply and less flexibility in accommodating buyer demands for product variety.It extends firm's scope of activity, locking it deeper into the industry Vertical integration poses problems of balancing capacity at each stage of value chain. It can reduce a firm's manufacturing flexibility, lengthening design time and ability to introduce new products. For example, Walmart to increase capacity, they have to make sure that they generate the additional sales corresponding to that increased capacity. Though their businesses acquire a bigger space, new equipment but there’s not a plan for bringing in the sales to take advantage of that increased capacity capability, it’s just increased overhead; a fixed cost.When you integrate more work that is different in your organisation, you are developing new core competencies, which is, as seen before, a positive effect. Nevertheless, this can represent a drawback when these new competencies affect existing competencies in a negative way, making people uncomfortable in performing their functions, which can end in less satisfaction and motivation of the workers and in less productivity of the enterprise. Although vertical integration should lead to lower cos ts, in fact in some cases you can obtain quite the opposite.It is possible that you increase your organisations bureaucratic costs by the fact that you are integrating different jobs in the same organisation. Another issue is that if you integrate backwards, you may reduce or eliminate competition amongst suppliers, which can result in low efficiencies and, consequently, higher costs In conclusion, whether to develop vertical integration strategy the organisation will need ensure that its cash flow are able to sustain as the risk is high due huge capital injection and also to have careful study on environment to ensure that the demand for input is high before developing the strategy.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Impact of Online Shopping on Consumer Behavior

University of Bedfordshire-Ajman Campus BA (Hons) Project Submitted to Dr. Tariq As a Requirement Unit code: Marketing Research (Morning Class) ________________________________ Student Name:| Registration Number:| Amanullah Ashraf| 1033872| Acknowledgement First I would like to Thank Allah for giving me knowledge. I am very Thankful to our subject teacher Dr. Tariq for guiding and helping me in this Research. I gratefully thank my parents, Friends and all classmates who cooperated with me in the time when I needed them. Also I would like to thank all the Respondents who gave their time in filling the Questionnaire.Abstract The purpose of this dissertation is to identify what are the factors that influence the consumer behavior while they are shopping online. Because now a day’s online shopping is increasing day by day . We collected both primary and secondary Data. The survey was conducted in Alain Mall through questionnaire and all the factors that can influence consumer beha vior or change consumer behavior because of online shopping where given in the questionnaire. So we found that the the online shopping has a big impact on consumer behavior in many different ways. Table of contentsPage No. 1.Introduction 1. 1 Company Profile1 1. 2 Statement of the problem1 1. 3 Objectives of the study1 1. 4 Scope & limitations of the study2 1. 5 Significance of the study2 1. 6 Define the terms3 2. Review of Related Literature 2. 1 Theoretical & Conceptual literature3 2. 2 Related Studies5 2. 3 Schematic Diagram6 2. 4 Synthesis7 3. Research Methodology 3. 1 Research design7 3. 2 Respondents of the study8 3. 3 Research Instrument8 3. 4 Validity of Research Instrument9 3. 5 Data gathering procedures9 3. 6 Statistical Analysis9 4.Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data 5. Summary of findings, conclusions and Recommendations 6. 1 Summary of findings22 6. 2 Conclusions23 6. 3 Recommendations24 6. References25 List of Tables & Graphs Fig 1. Gender10 Fig 2. Natio nality11 Fig 3. since when you are shopping online12 Figs 4. What are the goods that you purchase online13 Fig 5. Online shopping saves my time14 Fig 6. making payments is easy through online shopping15 Fig 7. The delivery of the product is too long16 Fig 8. I cannot bargain online17 Fig 9. In online shopping we get more discounts and offers18 Fig 10.I believe that online shopping is better than physical stores19 Fig 11. I has access to famous brands through online shopping20 Fig 12. security is major concern in shopping online21 List of Appendices Appendices 126 Appendices 229 Appendices 333 1. Introduction 1. 1 Company Profile Souq. com is one of the largest online shopping Business in UAE which is safe and secure and it was established in 2005 and through souq. com millions of people buy or sell their products Daily and from the day when this online shopping Business came in to being it is improving and providing quality service to customers and souq. om is famous for its trusted platform. Now souq. com is one of the largest ecommerce site among the Arabs it includes the countries such as Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia. 1. 2 Statement of the Problem The Impact of online shopping on consumer behavior in souq. com. In this research we need to understand what are the actual factors according to which the consumers do online shopping and how their shopping behavior is affected. 1. 3 Objectives of the study To study the consumers online shopping behavior. To know the factors that influence online consumers and shoppers. To study do onsumers prefer online shopping over Physical stores. 1. 4 Scope and limitations of the study The scope of the study is to understand that the Internet is the latest medium through which consumers demand for their needs and wants that’s why the online sellers should know what are the factors that influence the online consumers and also there are some factors according to which consumers buy their products online and it is very important for the online sellers to take that factors in to action so that they can satisfy the consumers needs and wants and enter in to the online market competition Easily.There are many factors that will influence the online consumers but we in this research will select only the main factors that will influence the consumers so therefore we will limit these factors to few so that we can understand its effect on online consumers and also we will limit the consumers characteristics’ and buying process by seeing how they are dealing with the service or product they bought but not by seeing the consumer theories or models. 1. 5 Significance of the studyThis research will not only increase the impact of online shopping on consumers but it will also help the people who are too busy to do shopping online in some minutes it will save their time and will also help the disabled people more over because if they are not able to walk or had other problem they will most probably prefer the online shopping and also this research will clearly show how the people has changed from physical stores to the online shopping. 1. Definitions of the terms Trusted Platform: This means that the customers have Trust on the souq. com organization. Physical Stores: The place where we go for shopping (to buy or sell something). Impact: The affect or change that one thing bring in another thing 2. Literature review 2. 1 Theoretical conceptual framework The theoretical and conceptual framework includes all the theories and concepts related to online shopping and its impact on consumer behavior.Warner defines consumer behavior as â€Å"the study of the mental and physical activities performed by individuals or groups that result in decisions or actions associated with the purchase, use or disposal of goods and services†. The internet is now famous for its distribution channel and e-commerce transaction and the price and trust is considered as important factors that influence t he consumers.According to study â€Å"Analysis of consumer behavior online† This study will tell the main characteristics of online consumers behavior and will test how they are found and the information of the product will be evaluated and compared and the new survey conducted will be compared with the old consumer theories in order to take positive actions in the field of technology and strategies and in this study the group focus will be on people aged from 19 to 30 interested in having related products.Dejan Petrovic,(2006) According to the study of shun&Yunjiee,(2006) said that there are some products which can be sold more in online shopping such as books, software’s, music etc. Because this are the products which people will buy without any personal research and all the features and the quality can be seen from its pictures and descriptions etc.According to the research study† Motivators and decisional influencers of online shopping† Online shopping is an innovation for the marketers and now a days it is very important for retailers the online shopping because they had found more values and benefits in it, this study is made in order to find what are the factors that encourage the consumers in online shopping. Bekramjit Rishi,(2010). According to the Kamali and Loker, (2002) the online shopping has increased their revenue more than their previous revenue so this means that online shopping has increased the level of consumer behavior because it is safer nd secure then the past. According to Pehr Luedtke , (2010)â€Å"The findings of the 2010 Social Shopping Survey validate what we are hearing from retailers and brands – that customer reviews have become a critical piece of the marketing puzzle, based not only on consumer demand but also on the sales they deliver,† According to Lauren freedman, (2010) â€Å"Whereas once online product research was left to the technology savvy looking to make a major purchase, it is now part of the mainstream shopping experience for all product categories as consumers have taken control powering their own product research,† 2. 2 Related studiesStudy 1 According to the â€Å"2010 social shopping study Reveals changes in consumer’s online shopping Habits and Usage of Customer Reviews† This study tells that how online shopping has increased from the past. This research focused on two important factors such as why consumers are shopping online and when consumers are doing online research for shopping and what are the expectation of the consumers and the Result was that the online research is essential to the consumer behavior while they are shopping online and it also revealed that the consumers who want to buy products like to do research personally.This study also stated that consumers prefer online research because of time saving, confidence and satisfied information and also the survey stated that the famous site where consumers do research online are search engine, brand sites, retailers sites, Amazon. com,facebook,Twitter etc. Study 2 According to the study† Impact of demographics on online buying behavior towards different products† In this study they researched that how consumers are investing their money on online shopping by keeping the factors such as igh class, Medium class and Low class in this study the marketers came to know about the demographics of people and this lead to an increase in the financial position of the online shopping business. A. M. Sakkthivel,(2009) 2. 3 Schematic Diagram Independent variable Dependent variable Online Shopping Consumer Behavior In this research the Dependent variable is consumer behavior and Independent variable is online shopping which means that the online shopping will have impact on the consumer behavior in many important ways. . 4 Synthesis From the related literature we came to know that due to the latest technology applied by retailers of online shoppin g and the service they provide in an efficient way and safe way and maintain a good relationship with consumers and promote the goods in the best way which attract consumers and also online shopping save the time of consumers and also conducting survey about the value of consumers. This all above factors will have an impact on the consumers Behavior towards online shopping. So if the souk. om recommends all the above factors in their online shopping business then they will surely attract consumers towards their online shopping business and this will surely increase their reputation in the online market and also their financial position will increase. 3. Research Methodology 3. 1 Research Design Research design is to search, find, collect and investigate the information that we need to obtain for a related topic john Wiley & sons, (2004). The research design in this research is descriptive research design. A escriptive research is the type of data analysis, information and questions that is done for a selected topic it mainly talks about â€Å"what is†. Robert G. petzold, (1998). 3. 2 Respondents of the study Here we will apply our factors of the topic to the kind of consumers who use internet online for shopping. There will be specific type of people selected. Sekaran & Bougie, (2010). The following will be the methods of our sample. Our sample site: we will conduct the survey in Alain, UAE. Our sampling unit: Alain Mall sekaran & Bougie, (2010).Our sample size: 30 respondents. 3. 3 Research Instrument We have selected one of the most flexible types of research and that is questionnaire which will be used in order to collect the primary data and also we will use interview guidelines if needed. The survey will be only done in Shopping Mall in order to know the impact of online shopping on consumer behavior. Using 5-point linkert scale we measure the independent and dependent variables and we will measure consumer behavior by 12 different types of questio ns which will be more effective.This type of scale was used by Andrew martin &Stephen legg,(2002) 3. 4 Validity of Research Instrument The questionnaire is validated by three professors from the department of markrting research. 3. 5 Data collection procedures For the purpose of research we can collect data in two ways and they are primary data and secondary data Primary Data: we collected the data through observations and questionnaires and questionnaires is the most satisfactory way to collect data for our topic. We analyze our respondents and compare them with the factors. Lesley Barker,(2003).Secondary Data: This is mainly the general information about the research topic and here the data is in the form of journals such as written or non written, multiple source and surveys etc Anders haslinger et al(2007). 3. 6 Statistical Tool Analysis We will analyze the Data by Graph, Mean and standard deviation by using the frequency and percentage method. 4. Presentation, Analysis and Inte rpretation of Data 1. Gender Question| Frequency| Percentage| Male| 21| 70| Female| 9| 30| Total| 30| 100| Mean| Standard Deviation| 15| 8. 485281374| 2. Nationality Question| Frequency| Percentage| Asians| 24| 80| Arabs| 6| 20| Total| 30| 100|Mean| Standard Deviation| 15| 12. 72792206| 3. Since When you are Shopping Online Question| Frequency| Percentage| 1 month| 9| 30| 1-6 month| 0| 0| 6-12 month| 0| 0| 1 year| 8| 26. 6| 3 years| 13| 43. 3| 6 years or more| 0| 0| Total| 30| 100| Mean| Standard Deviation| 5| 2. 645751311| 4. What are the goods that you purchase online Question| Frequency| Percentage| Software’s| 3| 10| Tickets| 6| 20| Gifts| 0| 0| Books| 8| 26. 66667| Music| 3| 10| Electronics| 10| 33. 3333| Total| 30| 100| Mean| Standard Deviation| 5| 3. 082207001| 5. Online Shopping Saves my Time Question | Frequency| Percentage| Strongly Agree| 23| 76. 66667|Agree| 3| 10| Neutral| 4| 13. 3333| Disagree| 0| 0| Strongly Disagree| 0| 0| Total| 30| 100| Mean| Standard Deviat ion| 6| 11. 26942767| 6. Making payment is easy through online shopping Question | Frequency| Percentage| Strongly Agree| 18| 60| Agree| 7| 23. 3333| Neutral| 5| 16. 66667| Disagree| 0| 0| Strongly Disagree| 0| 0| Total| 30| 100| Mean| Standard Deviation| 6| 7| 7. The Delivery of the Product is too long. Question | Frequency| Percentage| Strongly Agree| 7| 23. 3333| Agree| 4| 13. 3333| Neutral| 10| 33. 3333| Disagree| 0| 0| Strongly Disagree| 9| 30| Total| 30| 100| Mean| Standard Deviation| 6| 2. 64571311| 8.I cannot Bargain online question| Frequency| Percentage| Strongly Agree| 4| 13. 3333| Agree| 0| 0| Neutral| 12| 40| Disagree| 0| 0| Strongly Disagree| 14| 46. 66667| Total| 30| 100| Mean| Standard Deviation| 6| 5. 291502622| 9. In online Shopping we get more discounts and offers Question | Frequency| Percentage| Strongly Agree| 18| 60| Agree| 7| 23. 3333| Neutral| 5| 16. 66667| Disagree| 0| 0| Strongly Disagree| 0| 0| Total| 30| 100| Mean| Standard Deviation| 6| 7| 10. I believe that online shopping is better than shopping at physical store Question | Frequency| Percentage| Strongly Agree| 20| 66. 66667| Agree| 7| 23. 333| Neutral| 3| 10| Disagree| 0| 0| Strongly Disagree| 0| 0| Total| 30| 100| Mean| Standard Deviation| 6| 8. 888194417| 11. I have Access to famous Brands through online shopping Question | Frequency| Percentage| Strongly Agree| 22| 73. 3333| Agree| 8| 26. 66667| Neutral| 0| 0| Disagree| 0| 0| Strongly Disagree| 0| 0| Total| 30| 100| Mean| Standard Deviation| 6| 9. 899494937| 12. Security is major concern in shopping online Question | Frequency| Percentage| Strongly Agree| 13| 43. 3333| Agree| 7| 23. 3333| Neutral| 10| 33. 3333| Disagree| 0| 0| Strongly Disagree| 0| 0| Total| 30| 100| Mean| Standard Deviation| | 3| 5. Summary of Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations. 5. 1 Summary of Findings In the table of â€Å"gendre†we came to know that 70% of respondents where male and 30% respondents where female. In the table of â€Å"Nati onality† we came to know that 80% of the respondents where Asians and 20% Arabs. In the table of â€Å"since when you are shopping online† we came to know that 43. 3% respondents where shopping online since 3 years and 30% since 1 month and 26. 6 since 1 year. In the table of â€Å"what are the goods you purchase online â€Å"we came to know that 33. 3 % respondents buy electronics in online shopping and 26. % Books and 20% Tickets and 10% software’s. In the table of â€Å"online shopping saves my time â€Å"we came to know that 76. 6% respondents strongly agree and 13. 3% Neutral and 10% agree. In the table of â€Å"Making payments is easy through online shopping â€Å"we came to know that 60% respondents strongly Agree and 23. 3% Agree and 16. 6 Neutral. In the table of â€Å"The Delivery of the product is too long â€Å"we came to know that 33. 3% respondents are Neutral and 30% strongly disagree and 23. 3% strongly Agree and 13. 3% agree. In the table of â€Å"I cannot bargain online† we came to know that 46. 6% respondents strongly disagree and 40% Neutral and 13. % strongly agree. In the table of â€Å"In online shopping we get more Discounts and offers† we came to know that 60% respondents Strongly Agree and 23. 3% Agree and 16. 6% Neutral. In the table of â€Å"I believe that online shopping is better than physical stores† we came to know that 66. 6% respondents Strongly Agree and 23. 3% Agree and 10% are Neutral. In the table of â€Å"I have access to famous brands through online shopping† we came to know that 73. 3% respondents Strongly Agree and 26. 6 Agree. In the table of â€Å"Security is major concern in online shopping â€Å"we came to know that 43. 3% respondents Strongly Agree and 33. % Neutral and 23. 3% Agree. 5. 2 Conclusions After finishing the Research we came to know that more of the consumers are satisfied with online shopping in many different ways and also people will prefer t he online shopping more and more in the near future but there was some limitations such as some of the respondents said that they don’t feel secure while shopping online and also some respondents where not satisfied with the delivery time. So now we should concentrate more on the Security and delivery to maintain and satisfy our consumers so that the online shopping will give 100% positive results. . 3 Recommendations As i said in the above paragraph that there are some respondents which are not feeling secure while shopping online and also the late Delivery of products. So I recommend that the souk. com should take certain steps such as when a consumer select and want to buy a product and make payments the souk. com should give the insurance of that product so that if the products is lost or does not reach the consumer he will be provided other same product and also the souk. com should fix best security programs so that no information of the consumers will be licked or Hack ed.For the late Delivery of the products I recommend that the souk. com should concentrate more on Transportation and increase their transportation such as they should buy new cars, scooters and ships so that they can make the products available for consumers on time. References Warner. Malcolm, 2002, â€Å"International Encyclopaedia of Business & Management†, Volume 2, page 1034. Petrovic Dejan, 2007 http://analogik. com/articles/227/analysis-of-consumer-behaviour-online Rishi Bekramjit, 2010, â€Å"Motivators and decisional influencers of online shopping†, International Journal of Business Innovation and Research 2010 – Vol. , No. 3   pp. 195 – 209 Loker and kamali, (2002) â€Å"E-Commerce & Security & Consumer Behavior† http://www. lotsofessays. com/viewpaper/1693412. html Sakkthivel. A. M,(2009), â€Å"Impact of demographics on online buying behavior towards different products†, International Journal of Electronic Finance 2009  œ Vol. 3, No. 3   pp. 284 – 296 Freedman Lauren, 2010, â€Å"2010 Social Shopping Study Reveals Changes in Consumers’ Online Shopping Habits and Usage of Customer Reviews† http://www. e-tailing. com/content/? p=1193. Sons & Wiley john(2004),†Asking Questions† http://books. google. ae/books? d=YXKbTx2j9i4C&q=Quantitative+researchers+have+openly+discussed+how+people+think+for+some+time#v=onepage& Petzold G. Robert â€Å"Writing a Critical Review of Descriptive or Experimental Research†http://www. jstor. org/stable/40318228 Bougie roger & sekaran uma (2010), â€Å"Research methods for business† http://www. oppapers. com/essays/What-Is-Scientific-Research-Process/660594. Stephen legg &Andrew martin (2002), â€Å"Investigating the inward sounds of Outward Bound†http://findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_6931/is_2_6/ai_n28132634/? tag=content;col1 Barker Lesley (2003), http://www. ehow. om/about_4685513_primary-data_. html Haslinger Ande rs et al(2007), PdF file Company profile (www. souq. com) Appendices 1 Questionnaire In this survey we are going to collect data on the impact of online shopping on consumer behavior and the information collected will be used for the Marketing Research Project and strictly the information collected will be kept confidential. Respondents no 1. Gender Male Female 2. Nationality 3. since when you are Shopping Online? 1 Month 1-6 Month 6-12 Month 1 Year 3 Years 6 Years or more . What are the goods that you purchase online? Software’s Tickets Gifts Books Music Electronics If Other Specify The following questions will be rated according to a 5 point scale such as 5 – Strongly Agree 4 – Agree 3 – Neutral 2 – Disagree 1 – Strongly Disagree | | Strongly Disagree| Disagree| Neutral| Agree| Strongly Agree| 5| Online Shopping saves my time. | | | | | | 6| Making payment is easy Through online shopping. | | | | | | 7| The Delivery of the product is too l ong. | | | | | | 8| I cannot

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The jazz age essays

The jazz age essays In spite of social and economic upheaval, the 1900s prospered as a whole. The 1920s were marked by technological, historical, literary, and political, phenomena. Society was experiencing a new way of life, characterized by new technology that enabled Americans to kick back and enjoy all life had to offer. During the 1920s, the United States started off on a joyride in an era of wonderful nonsense (World Book Encyclopedia p.114). Americans felt lighthearted and optimistic after WWI. New advances in technology were invented like the Model T and canned foods. People spent more money on travel and vacation resorts. They announced a new generation with jazz bands and a craze for sports and dances. Life in the home was also affected. Ready-made clothing, and household appliances gave women the opportunity to release themselves from everyday drudgery. More women began to seek work outside of home. Daring girls nicknamed flappers shocked the older and more traditional members of society. Their short skirts, bobbed hair, and public use of cigarettes were frenetic compared to the previous style of that time. In 1919, Amendment 18 to the Constitution prohibited the manufacture and sale of liquor. This marked a turning point in Americas history. Many people resented this new law and drank in illegal clubs called speak-easies. Gangsters took over bootlegging and crime increased. The federal government found it almost impossible to enforce prohibition, mainly because society had such a strong opposition towards it. The Jazz Age was a golden period in American literature, distinguished by the works of such writers as Willa Cather, William Faulkner, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, Sinclair Lewis, and Carl Sandburg. At the same time, American writers began to influence world literature. A period of disillusion and cynicism that followed WWI found expression in the writings of a grou...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Krakatoa Volcano Eruption of 1883

Krakatoa Volcano Eruption of 1883 The eruption of the volcano at Krakatoa in the western Pacific Ocean in August 1883 was a major disaster by any measure. The entire island of Krakatoa was simply blown apart, and the resulting tsunami killed tens of thousands of people on other islands in the vicinity. The volcanic dust thrown into the atmosphere affected the weather around the world, and people as far away as Britain and the United States eventually began to see bizarre red sunsets caused by particles in the atmosphere. It would take years for scientists to connect the spooky red sunsets with the eruption at Krakatoa, as the phenomenon of dust being thrown into the upper atmosphere was not understood. But if the scientific effects of Krakatoa remained murky, the volcanic eruption in a remote part of the world had a nearly immediate impact on heavily populated regions. The events at Krakatoa were also significant because it was one of the first times that detailed descriptions of a colossal news event traveled around the world quickly, carried by undersea telegraph wires. Readers of daily newspapers in Europe and North America were able to follow current reports of the disaster and its enormous implications. In the early 1880s Americans had grown used to receiving news from Europe by undersea cables. And it wasnt unusual to see happenings in London or Dublin or Paris described within days in newspapers in the American West. But the news from Krakatoa seemed much more exotic, and was coming from a region which most Americans could barely contemplate. The idea that events on a volcanic island in the western Pacific could be read about within days at the breakfast table was a revelation. And so the remote volcano became an event that seemed to make the world grow smaller. The Volcano at Krakatoa The great volcano on the island of Krakatoa (sometimes spelled as Krakatau or Krakatowa) loomed over the Sunda Strait, between the islands of Java and Sumatra in present day Indonesia. Before the 1883 eruption, the volcanic mountain reached a height of approximately 2,600 feet above sea level. The slopes of the mountain were covered with green vegetation, and it was a notable landmark to sailors passing through the straits. In the years preceding the massive eruption several earthquakes occurred in the area. And in June 1883 small volcanic eruptions began to rumble across the island. Throughout the summer the volcanic activity increased, and tides at islands in the area began to be affected. The activity kept accelerating, and finally, on August 27, 1883, four massive eruptions came from the volcano. The final colossal explosion destroyed two-thirds of the island of Krakatoa, essentially blasting it into dust. Powerful tsunamis were triggered by the force. The scale of the volcanic eruption was enormous. Not only was the island of Krakatoa shattered, other small islands were created. And the map of the Sunda Strait was changed forever. Local Effects of the Krakatoa Eruption Sailors on ships in nearby sea lanes reported astounding events associated with the volcanic eruption. The sound was loud enough to break the eardrums of some crewmen on ships many miles away. And pumice, or chunks of solidified lava, rained from the sky, pelting the ocean and the decks of ships. The tsunamis set off by the volcanic eruption rose as high as 120 feet, and slammed into the coastlines of the inhabited islands of Java and Sumatra. Entire settlements were wiped away, and it is estimated that 36,000 people died. Distant Effects of the Krakatoa Eruption The sound of the massive volcanic eruption traveled enormous distances across the ocean. At the British outpost on Diego Garcia, an island in the Indian Ocean more than 2,000 miles from Krakatoa, the sound was clearly heard. People in Australia also reported hearing the explosion. It is possible that Krakatoa created one of the loudest sounds ever generated on earth, rivaled only by the volcanic eruption of Mount Tambora in 1815. Pieces of pumice were light enough to float, and weeks after the eruption large pieces began drifting in with the tides along the coast of Madagascar, an island off the east coast of Africa. Some of the large pieces of volcanic rock had animal and human skeletons embedded in them. They were grisly relics of Krakatoa. The Krakatoa Eruption Became a Worldwide Media Event Something that made Krakatoa different from other major events in the 19th century was the introduction of the transoceanic telegraph cables. The news of Lincoln’s assassination less than 20 years earlier had taken nearly two weeks to reach Europe, as it had to be carried by ship. But when Krakatoa erupted, a telegraph station at Batavia (present day Jakarta, Indonesia) was able to send the news to Singapore. Dispatches were relayed quickly, and within hours  newspaper readers in London, Paris, Boston, and New York were beginning to be  informed of the colossal events in the distant Sunda Straits. The New York Times ran a small item on the front page of August 28, 1883 - carrying a dateline from the day before - relaying the first reports tapped out on the telegraph key in Batavia: â€Å"Terrific detonations were heard yesterday evening from the volcanic island of Krakatoa. They were audible at Soerkrata, on the island of Java. The ashes from the volcano fell as far as Cheribon, and the flashes proceeding from it were visible in Batavia.† The initial New York Times item also noted that stones were falling from the sky, and that communication with the town of Anjier â€Å"is stopped and it is feared there has been a calamity there.† (Two days later the New York Times would report that the European settlement of Anjiers had been â€Å"swept away† by a tidal wave.) The public became fascinated with the news reports about the volcanic eruption. Part of that was due to the novelty of being able to receive such distant news so quickly. But it was also because the event was so enormous and so rare. The Eruption at Krakatoa Became a Worldwide Event Following the eruption of the volcano, the area near Krakatoa was enveloped in a strange darkness, as dust and particles blasted into the atmosphere blocked sunlight. And as winds in the upper atmosphere carried the dust great distances, people on the other side of the world began to notice the effect. According to a report in the Atlantic Monthly magazine published in 1884, some sea captains had reported seeing sunrises that were green, with the sun remaining green throughout the day. And sunsets around the world turned a vivid red in the months following the Krakatoa eruption. The vividness of the sunsets continued for nearly three years. American newspaper articles in late 1883 and early 1884 speculated on the cause of the widespread phenomenon of blood red sunsets. But scientists today know that dust from Krakatoa blown into the high atmosphere was the cause. The Krakatoa eruption, massive as it was, was actually not the largest volcanic eruption of the 19th century. That distinction would belong to the eruption of Mount Tambora in April 1815. The Mount Tambora eruption, as it happened before the invention of the telegraph, was not as widely known. But it actually had a more devastating impact as it contributed to bizarre and deadly weather the following year, which became known as The Year Without a Summer.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Healthy Living City Promotion Plan Term Project Essay

Healthy Living City Promotion Plan Term Project - Essay Example e communities and their audiences, the cultural Arts and Heritage Plan will articulate the vision and strategies for the advancement of culture in the city of Penticton . According to Hello BC (2014), the city of Penticton is rich with cultural heritage and arts which over the recent years have been neglected as result of the proliferation of modern technology and globalization. The promotional plan hence provides a framework for the assessment of the current situation of the culture, art and heritage in the city in relation to the economic boom in the city. Indeed, like every major city, Penticton has been characterized with unprecedented changes in terms of economic, political, social and environmental domains. It is hence prudent that relevant authorities, stakeholders and city dwellers undertake activities aimed at preserving, restoring and promoting the cultural heritage of the city beyond its local environs. As Canadas most entrepreneurial city, Penticton city was profoundly known for its historical heritage dating back to 7000 years ago (Penticton 2014a). Penticton town was formed in 1906 when the Southern Okanagan Land Company established an irrigation scheme. The town gained its city status in 1948 after the Second World War. Penticton city further became notable for its wine industry and tourist sites which were opened up by the completion of the Hope- Princeton highway in 1949 (Penticton 2014a). The cultural heritage culminated with the opening of the Peach Bowl center in 1965 (Penticton 2014a) Despite declining emphasis on the cultural and art heritage in the city, there has been notable improvement and promotion of cultural heritage over past 10 years (News 2014). Advancement in the management of museums, archives and heritage sites has been due to the formulation of key national plans and strategies aimed at conserving the cultural heritage of Canada. The strategic plans include The Museum Sustainability Plan (2005), the Arts Investment